Interior wall finishes.
Individual design solutions in interiors are influenced by the purpose and functionality of the space. In the panel system, the wall surface is a fibreboard. It can be further processed with the following solutions.
- Fixing plasterboard
- Fixing timber cladding
- Fixing upholstery panels
- Fixing ceramic tiles
- Fixing decorative panels
And there are countless other solutions prevailing in the market. It is important that manufacturers' recommendations are followed and that all processes are technologically correct.
On the inside of the building, steam insulating films are used for insulation. The purpose of these films is to prevent moisture from entering the interior of the structure and to seal the movement of moisture and air through the structure. This layer will be vulnerable to indoor vapours, but will still provide additional thermal bridging through the timber of the structure.
Exterior wall finish.
Different types of façade cladding have their own characteristics, so it is necessary to consider not only design, but also safety and cost aspects before making a decision. Fibre cement, wood, composite, clinker, stucco, slate, metal - these are just some of the materials that can be used to finish the exterior of a house.
In addition to their aesthetic function, decorative finishes also have a protective function against the weather (rain, wind, temperature differences).
Panel system constructions can be used for both dry and wet finishing of external walls.
When choosing to form a single-layer panel, it is important to properly seal the shell walls.
Insulating films provide the greatest sealing effect. Diffusive or breathable films create a barrier to the entry of moisture into the structure from the outside, trapping air currents, but at the same time allowing water vapour to escape from the inside. The working or functional film thickness (FSS) of a building film is a key indicator of the film's performance (not its strength!): the extent to which the film is permeable to water vapour but impermeable to wind and water. The vapour barrier can be fixed by applying double-sided adhesive tape to the structure and by using staples.
The planed timber sheets shall be fixed, a ventilated air gap shall be formed and the final cladding material shall be fixed.
When the option is taken to add foam insulation to the shell of the house, a wet facade finish may be installed. When insulating the façade, the surface must first be properly prepared: dirt must be cleaned and primer applied. The foam panels shall be glued to the surface with the adhesive intended for this purpose, leaving no gaps between the wall and the panel. The adhesive shall be applied in a continuous line around the perimeter of the panels and in at least 2 to 4 more places in the middle part of the panels. To prevent thermal bridging in the insulation layer sheathing, the joints between the individual panels shall not be glued, the panels shall be firmly adhered to each other, and the cementitious adhesive shall not be allowed to penetrate into the gaps between the panels. When installing thermal insulation panels, it is important to ensure that there are no gaps between the panels where water or moisture can enter.